Why become digital?

The impacts of digitisation within purchasing processes are manifold. Starting from the ecological impact through the elimination of paper, to the applicability of smart working. But above all, having a digital purchasing office allows all stakeholders to work collaboratively on the same system.

Being faster and more responsive
Capitalising on information and knowledge
Governing processes and keeping them under control

Digitalization will help you attract new talent

Attracting new talent from generation-z and retention of generation-y requires a digital working environment.

Your source-to-pay processes must be fully digital.

Especially within purchasing departments, systems are often outdated or more often than not non-existent. More often than not, the corporate ERP is used as the only purchasing system or, worse, separate systems are used that require duplication of activities.

Therefore, think of a single system in which to manage contracts, workflows, scouting for suppliers, their qualification and receiving bids, and the entire sourcing process.

What we do in Source2GO?

We help you along the entire digitisation path. Through an assessment of your reality, we will jointly define a plan for the introduction of our technologies, validate the change management programmes required to bring your employees and partners to full technology adoption, and with our value-added services, we will accompany you to autonomous use of the technologies introduced:
  • Digital Assessment
  • Software selection
  • Change Management
  • Post go-live adoption